Balance Your Health

Helping clients achieve quantum health of all aspects of the soul, through nutrition, massage & energy medicine.


is a state of feeling “clear". The goal of Clairessence is to provide services that bring you back into your own awareness of self and clarity.

Claire Papaconstantinou CNP, RMT

I am Certified Nutritional Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist, MicroPoint Stimulation Practitioner & Reiki Master. I provide a wide variety of services to bring you back into alignment of self. I believe the body will always show you the cause of symptoms, if only you take the time to listen. I take a wholistic approach to my clients to look at the being as a whole and how all parts work synergistically together, similar to our ecosystems & natural rhythms of the earth.

Clairessence’s aim is for deep energy healing on a metaphysical level to attain quantum health and wellness

Nutritional Consulting

A complete health history overview of diet, lifestyle & nutritional deficits in addition to a symptomatology analysis. Including a 6-8 week individualized supplement program, plus diet & lifestyle improvements & support.

1 hour Initial Assessment - $115.00

1 hour Follow Up Session - $80.00

Massage Therapy Services

Soft Tissue manipulations & assessment to relieve pain and stiffness associated with stress, tension, chronic pain & injuries.

MicroPoint Stimulation is a type of concentrated DC micro-impulses applied to specific neurological points that bring the body into a parasympathetic state to relax muscles and relieve pain. This modality is very effective for chronic pain such as frozen shoulder, siatica, etc. As well, as Scar release therapy & post concussion syndrome.

~ Prices vary based on the services requested, see booking below for price differentiation ~

Reiki Session

Every chakra has its own resonating frequency, when a physical manifestation of a symptom arises their is normally an emotional or energetic blockage corresponding. Clearing the emotion will allow the physical body to heal that area.

In addition, every part of our being vibrates at certain frequencies, We work with crystals & sound therapy to aid in the transfer of energy needed to positively impact our systems.

60 minute sessions - $88

History of Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word that means "universal life-force energy" and all life is formed from it. When one is ill or stressed, the amount of energy being used to sustain health is depleted in the body. Reiki entails a form of energy healing that is intended to promote balance in all living systems and initiates high-frequency energies. Many thousands of years ago, holy men possessed an understanding of our spirit, energy and matter, and used this knowledge to heal their bodies, balance their souls and lead their spirits to oneness. This wisdom was found in many different ancient cultures that can be applied in today.